Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Post #4: Act III-Happiness No More

Dear Diary,

I cannot believe what has happened in these past few days. First, I was the happiest I have ever been in my life; after a few hours, I was overcome with grief and felt like I was going through the worst day of my life even though I had previously thought that it was the best.

My wonderful marriage with Romeo, my soul-mate and the only one I will truly be happy with, didn't last very long. Because of my cousin, Tybalt, he was banished. BANISHED! I will never be able to see him again. Mercutio and Tybalt got in a fight, curse that horrible feud, and Mercutio died. Romeo tried to break up the fight and reason with the two. Break it up, not encourage the fatal fighting. Of course, once Mercutio had died, Romeo had to kill Tybalt; he couldn't just let Tybalt get away with it. I don't blame him, but why? Why did he have to kill Tybalt? Why did he have to get himself banished? WHY?

My parents, how could they do such a thing. Surely, Romeo's punishment was suggested by them. I know that they hate all Montagues, but how could they do such a cruel thing? And Tybalt, how could he kill Mercutio? He never did anything bad to him, I am sure. It is all Tybalt's fault that I will no longer be happy in this life.

I am so furious right now. Obviously, the situation with Romeo isn't enough. My parents also have to force me into a marriage with Paris. At first glance, he seems okay, but in comparison to Romeo, he is like the devil. Why does everybody think that he is perfect for me? Can't anybody see that I simply do not love him, and never will? Why does my "thoughtful" father have to force me into this?

There is absolutely no way that I will allow this marriage to continue. I would rather die than betray Romeo and marry Paris. Perhaps I arrange for my death, however I don't think I could ever do that to Romeo. Maybe Friar Lawrence will have some idea for a way for me to get out of this. Surely, he will understand. I must depart now and go see him for some answer to my problem.

In fury, sorrow, grief, and trust,

1 comment:

  1. Really well-written and organized, Celina. I feel like the desperation and despair that you present in Juliet's voice is very accurate and realistic! Great job with your blogging!
